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Saudi Arabia MURDER: US could block MAJOR nuclear deal with Mohammed Bin Salman’s regime

Published ON: November 10, 2018
Saudi Arabia MURDER: US could block MAJOR nuclear deal with Mohammed Bin Salman’s regime

Express :

A House Democrat wants to stop a major nuclear deal between the US and Saudi Arabia which is currently under negotiation. President Donald Trump has reiterated he does not want to jeopardise money coming into the US from Saudi Arabia. But Democrat Brad Sherman believes his bill could now be passed.

Mr Khashoggi was killed by Saudi officials inside the country’s consulate in Istanbul last month.

Mohammed Bin Salman (MbS) and Saudi Arabia have changed their official position on what happened to the journalist in the face of international pressure.

His murder has led to a huge outcry across the globe.

Many people in the US now want to see the relationship between Washington and Riyadh terminated.

If passed, the legislation could force Trump to submit a “123 Agreement,” or a set of rules that make it legal for the US to sell nuclear technology to another country, for congressional approval.

It would also force the administration to tell Congress that Saudi Arabia must abide by the agreement’s “Gold Standard” and an inspections agreement with the world’s nuclear watchdog.

Finally, it would require the Republican firebrands administration to write reports on Saudi Arabia’s inquiry into Mr Khashoggi’s murder and the state of human rights in the country.

Mr Sherman’s bill could block Saudi Arabia’s plans to obtain nuclear technology from the US.

A Republican is also set to back the bill when it’s officially introduced in the next 10 congressional days.

The bill would come as a huge blow for Saudi who just last Monday launched a project to build the country’s first nuclear research reactor.

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